A content management system (CMS) is a collection of procedures and workflows to organize an organization’s unstructured information and provide it as “content”. At its core, Sitecore does this, but the real benefits of Sitecore is the ability to extend its core function to achieve your overall business goals. Much like the .Net framework Sitecore provides a system of objects and functions to build upon. This is what makes it more of a framework than a CMS.
Not just a user interface
When you purchase a license for the Sitecore CMS you get a lot more than just the user interface (a.k.a. Content Editor). You get the install package to be able to access the files. Everything is handled in .Net. Visual Studio is the recommended tool to edit and create code.
Powerful objects
Sitecore provides a massive number of classes to use when creating a solution for the public-facing website or adding functionality to the existing CMS portion for business users. Developers are able to harness a huge library of namespace aliases and integrate Sitecore with common System and Web objects.
Not limited by functionality
The most important, intangible piece to the Sitecore CMS is you aren’t limited by the functionality of the CMS. Your limitations in the system are created by the limitations of your imagination and ability to apply your business processes and needs to the framework provided. This feature is what excites me the most because you can use Sitecore to craft a CMS that is a true representation of your business and how you work.
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